• olgcsisters@outlook.com

YOUTH MINISITRY (Youth with a difference)

Background of Youth Ministry

At the 8th General Chapter of the Sisters of Our Lady of Good Counsel of Mbarara, one of the decisions taken in January 2000 was to evangelize the youth of this century. (The role of the ministry was to evangelise the youth and attract them to become evangelisers of their peers. “It is our primary duty and priority to rid them of illiteracy, idleness, hunger, drugs…”) Chapter Acts pf. 11) the work started the year 2000.

The objectives stipulated by the Chapter were the following;

  • Bringing about behaviour change in the youth
  • Tapping potential vocations for religious life and priesthood


Youth support group (YSG) is a registered NGO: 55914/3988 by NGO board-Uganda.


Empowering youth and enabling them to have fullness of life (Jh 10:10) through a change of behaviour and attitudes in order to develop integrally.


Creatively building and strengthening youth bonds in order to re-channel youth energies and make use of their talents for job creation.


Giving meaning to individual living and orienting youth to productive life.

Objectives of Youth Support Group (YSG)

  • To offer behaviour change programmes (BCP) as means to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS among youth.
  • To provide leadership training through workshops and seminars.
  • To provide space for skills training as a preparation for job creation among youth.
  • To offer skill training in; music, computer, sewing, knitting, agriculture and carpentry.


Youth support group (YSG) Organisation has its centre at Kakoba, in Kakoba Central- Mbarara, plot No. 33, Kakuhikire road.


Youth Support Group

P. O Box 260, Mbarara

Tel. 0772-610130/0772-360413

Email: twinsisters1m@yahoo.com


YA Youth Alive Mbarara

MAYAS Mbarara Archdiocese Youth Apostolate Services

YAC Yesu Ahuriire Community

NET National Evangelization Training (Masaka)

Founding body

The founding body of Youth Support Group organisation is the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Good Counsel OLGC Mbarara


Youth support group has existed since 2001. It was registered as an NGO on 21st June 2002. The organisation has worked primarily in Mbarara, Isingiro, Ibanda and Kiruhura districts. It however has gone beyond these districts in Uganda according to the demands made by different youth groups and schools/institutions. It has ministered to youth in Misikhu in Bungoma – Kenya, Mabamba and Kigoma in Tanzania and Byumba in Rwanda.


Since YSG resided at Kakoba

  • YSG has facilitated Behaviour Change Programmes with a spiritual component since 2001 to young people as peer education to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS among youth.
  • Many youth leaders have been trained in leadership and a good number has gone back to school.
  • Music skills have developed to the level of music composition and performance at the centre and elsewhere. Concerts have been held several times for the general public and some members have made a music album. Youth come to Kakoba to learn music.
  • Youth leaders are receiving counselling training. Many young people visit the centre in search of peer counselling.
  • Youth come for training in computer skills
  • Construction of the youth centre at Kakoba is still in progress.


Youth Support Group Organisation has a constitution, which was compiled by the youth and completed by Muhimbura and co. Advocates, Baumann House, plot 7, Parliament Avenue, P. O Box 22971, Kampala.


Youth Support Group Organisation would like to achieve the following in the next 5 years;

  • Continuing with offering BCP to youth in and out of school as peer education
  • Continuing to offer leadership training in life skills
  • Continuing to offer counselling training to youth at Kakoba Youth Centre
  • Completion of construction of the youth centre at Kakoba for skills training in music, computer, carpentry, agriculture, sewing and knitting.
  • Construction of the rural youth centre at Karuhisi Ruhindi in Mbarara district for agriculture, sewing, knitting and carpentry etc
  • Development agricultural enterprises on a six hectares of land at Karuhisi;
  1. Fish farming
  2. Honey production
  3. Poultry
  4. Piggery
  5. Passion fruit growing
  6. Grape wine fruit growing etc

Youth Support Group organisation has been able to make small earnings through music tapes, machines, concerts and vegetable sales. It is realised that more income generating activities are needed.